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60. 9 Top Tips to Develop Your Daily Regimen

According to research by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in 2004, American women use an average of twelve products on their skin each day, containing a total of 168 different chemicals. In this article, we’ll share our top nine tips for building a healthy daily regimen for skin care. 

1. Choose Quality Products

There are a plethora of products on the market today that make various claims about what they can do for your skin. It will be worth your time to investigate to see if those claims are true. Look for products that contain natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to produce the results claimed by the manufacturer. Your products will be the foundation for your daily regimen of skin care.

2. Begin with a Clean Slate

Be sure to choose a cleanser that is right for your skin type, has clean ingredients and use it twice daily. In the morning, you should clean your face to wash away oils produced overnight as well as dust or other air pollutants that may have settled on your face overnight. At the end of the day, before bed, clean your face again to remove makeup and wash away dirt and impurities you may have come in contact with throughout the day.

3. Tone and Condition

While some consider toner an optional skin care step, we consider it foundational. Apply an alcohol-free toner with a cotton ball or cotton pad to remove any dirt or impurities missed by your cleanser. Toner should always be used immediately after cleanser (twice a day) to rehydrate the skin and balance its pH levels. In this way, your skin will be prepped and ready to absorb the topical vitamin C in the other products you’ll be applying, adding to the “reservoir effect” of collecting vitamin C in the dermal layer. 

4. Shield Your Face

Skin serum is lightweight and should be applied sparingly with the fingertips. Look for a serum that contains L-ascorbic acid, the most readily absorbed form of topical vitamin C. This ingredient is key to producing the best age-defying results. Serum should be applied morning and night. Look for a vitamin C serum that contains L-ascorbic acid to neutralize free radicals, stimulate collagen production, protect from UVA and UVB skin damage, and more.

5. Take Care of Your Eyes

Fine lines and wrinkles, those early signs of aging, usually first appear around the delicate eye area. Eye cream containing hyaluronic acid for extra hydration is best here, as this is where some of the thinnest skin on your body is found. Apply eye cream gently with your fingertips around the orbit of your eye using light strokes. Eye creams work to repair damage and restore moisture to the eye area, reversing lines and wrinkles while preventing new ones from forming. Use morning and night for the best results.

6. Even It Out

After tending to the delicate eye area, it’s time to tend to noticeable skin discoloration. If you’ve enjoyed many summer days in the sun or many candles on your birthday cake, you may have hyperpigmentation or “age spots”. Choose a brightening cream that can be spot-applied once or twice daily (mornings optional) to help restore a balanced pigmentation to your face.

7. Keep It Hydrated

Even if you have oily skin, moisturizing daily is a must for a healthy skincare routine, since a good moisturizer works to hydrate the skin. Moisturizer doesn’t add oil to the skin or increase oil production. A moisturizer containing vitamin C will nourish the skin with healthy nutrients and antioxidants while protecting it from environmental elements. Moisturizer should be used morning and night for best results.

8. Combat Aging

No matter your age or whether you’re male or female, the final step for a healthy skincare regimen should include a nighttime application of an age-defying retinol complex. Retinol is a form of vitamin A that is easily absorbed into the skin and works to reverse the visible signs of aging by stimulating collagen production to reduce wrinkles. It also combats acne and reduces the turnover time of new skin cell production, giving you a healthy, renewed complexion. Take care to find a formulation of more than one form of retinol, which can be irritating and cause inflammation. A correct retinol formula will contain low doses of more than one form of vitamin A, delivering the benefits while reducing the impact and irritation.

9. Commit to Daily Use

A “one and done” mentality won’t produce results. When you begin a healthy skincare regimen, commit to use the products daily for a least 60-90 days. You’ll see amazing results.

As you can see from these nine tips, a healthy daily skincare regimen should include healthy products that are scientifically formulated to produce specific results. Insist on a system that is formulated to work synergistically to nourish, restore and rejuvenate your skin.

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59. Collagen & Elastin Support from Topical Vitamin C

Maintaining a youthful appearance is a priority for most people these days. Keeping skin soft and supple requires ample amounts of collagen and elastin in the skin. But how can you maintain enough to diminish and prevent the signs of aging? In this article, find out how to help your body help itself through the power of topical vitamin C.

What Are Collagen and Elastin?

Collagen is a natural protein in the human body found in the connective tissues, organs, skin and muscles. Making up about one-third of the human body, it creates a tightly woven triple-helix “chain-link fence” that holds us together. Nineteen different amino acids make up sixteen different types of this complex protein. Each type performs a different function, from forming bones and muscles to cushioning joints and keeping skin smooth and tight.

Elastin is similar since it is also made from multiple amino acids. As the name implies, it promotes elasticity and has the ability to expand and contract and to stretch and recoil like an elastic band. It’s found mainly in the lung tissue, aorta, and skin. Elastin and collagen work together to preserve youthful looking skin as the former provides the stretchiness and flexibility while the latter provides the firm structure.

How Collagen Benefits the Body

This essential protein is a necessary component as it supports bones, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, teeth, hair and skin. It also contributes to the healthy function of our internal organs and digestive system and it promotes healing as well as skin health. Collagen keeps the body functioning like a well-oiled machine on the inside and keeps skin firm and taut on the outside.

As for skin health and appearance, this essential amino acid protein provides the web-like structure that holds our skin together. It only makes sense that it’s named from the Greek root word “kolla” which means “glue.” It gives skin its strength and elasticity which contributes to a firm and youthful appearance. It also supports hydration, improvement of cellulite, acne and dark skin spots and may help in the appearance of scars and stretch marks,

Collagen and Aging

Production of this superstar protein naturally slows down as we get older. Production is at top speed during childhood and adolescence and then slows as we enter our twenties and thirties. By the time we’re in our forties, our bodies are producing significantly less than they once were. Unfortunately, a slower production rate can lead to a loss of elasticity in the skin which in turn can lead to the unfortunate appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

The Connection Between Vitamin C and Collagen Production

The good news is that many scientific studies have produced positive results proving that vitamin C can stimulate the body to increase the production of this important protein. A healthy diet is great for overall health, but the best way to get vitamin C into the dermal layers where it can produce the most beneficial results is with a topical application.

Vitamin C is not just beneficial for the production of this skin-firming protein, it is necessary. Look for products built on L-ascorbic acid, the most easily absorbed form of topical vitamin C, applied directly to the skin to ensure you receive the best results possible.

Topical Vitamin C Serum

Many skincare products include collagen as an ingredient, but its molecular structure is too large to be easily absorbed into the skin. So look for serums that use vitamin C that is delivered through the epidermis into the dermal skin layer, where it stimulates the body to produce more on its own.

Look for a vitamin C serum that also includes vitamins A and E for an antioxidant power that not only stimulates production, but also combats free radicals, stimulates faster epidermal renewal and improves overall skin elasticity. Insist on a skin care regimen that includes the best ingredients that are clinically proven to produce visible and measurable results when followed consistently for at least 60-90 days.

We hope this article has helped you to understand the link between topical vitamin C and collagen production. So, try it for yourself. Put the topical vitamin C skincare regimen to your own 60–90-day test. Apply L-ascorbic acid, the most readily absorbed form of topical vitamin C, to your skin daily.

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58. 9 Benefits from Using Topical Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant, required for healthy body function. Our bodies do not produce this antioxidant or store it long-term. Therefore, we must consume it daily. For skin health, topical vitamin C serum is a safe and effective way to get the antioxidant benefits into the dermal layers where a “reservoir effect” can be established to ensure a beneficial supply to the skin.

1. Neutralizes Free Radicals

Topical vitamin C, as an antioxidant, can prevent the oxidation of skin cells and damage from free radicals. Damaged cells can cause our skin to appear dull and wrinkled. Over time, free radicals can lead to disease. By applying a vitamin C serum daily, a reservoir of antioxidants will be built up in the dermal layers.

2. Stimulates Collagen Production

Collagen is that amazing protein produced in our bodies that makes up our connective tissues and our skin. Collagen is plentiful before age 20, but our bodies begin to slow down production as we age. In time, we see and feel the effects of less collagen in our bodies and on our skin. Aching joints and sagging skin are just a few symptoms.

Fortunately, vitamin C is a precursor to collagen production. When you use a daily vitamin C serum, you’ll be giving your skin exactly what it needs to produce more collagen exactly where you need it. An increased collagen production results in a hydrated and more youthful appearance. L-ascorbic acid is the safest and most easily absorbed form of topical vitamin C, so consider skin care products like the ones from OrangeDaily where L-ascorbic acid is the key ingredient.

3. Provides UVA and UVB Sun Damage Protection

Our skin is the largest organ of our body and is exposed daily to the elements of our environment. From air pollution to the harsh rays of the sun, our skin takes a beating.  Topical vitamin C serum protects from the harsh UVA and UVB rays from the sun and can diminish he appearance of the damage that may have already occurred.

4. Reduces the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Using a daily serum that contains L-ascorbic acid, the most readily absorbed form of vitamin C, over time will build up a reservoir of the beneficial antioxidant. When plentiful amounts of this essential vitamin are present in the dermal layers, topical vitamin C skin benefits are multiplied to produce a healthier, more youthful appearance with a reduction in visible fine lines and wrinkles.

5. Stimulates Epidermal Renewal

Our skin cells have a natural renewal cycle of about 28-30 days. Products that contain vitamin C in the form of L-ascorbic acid work in the skin to speed up the process and produce new skin cells in around 20 days. The result is a refreshed, firmer, more vibrant complexion.

6. Reduces Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is the uneven darkening of the skin in spots caused by sun exposure, aging, or hormonal changes, referred to as age spots, liver spots, or sun spots. Whatever you call them, they can be reduced with the daily application of a topical vitamin C serum.

Melanin is the pigment that determines the shade of your skin. Tyrosinase is the enzyme produced in the body that stimulates melanin production. More melanin means darker skin tones. Vitamin C in the epidermal layers works to inhibit tyrosinase which in turn, reduces the production of melanin. When vitamin C is applied consistently on dark patches and sun spots, the result is a more even pigmentation.

7. Hydrates and Moisturizes Skin

Water is constantly lost through our skin, often resulting in a dull, dry appearance. By reducing the amount of moisture lost through our skin, topical vitamin C creams aid in hydration, producing a brighter, more vibrant and healthy appearance.

8. Reduces Inflammation

Topical vitamin C is both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. L-ascorbic acid is readily absorbed into the skin where it goes to work to calm inflammation that may be caused by acne, overexposure to the sun, air pollutants or other skin conditions.

9. Prevents Premature Aging

When all vitamin C skin benefits combine, skin has a healthier, more youthful appearance. Not only can daily serum use help repair previous damage, but it can also prevent future damage as well.

Topical Vitamin C Benefits

Neutralizing free radicals, stimulating collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reversing and preventing sun damage, stimulating skin renewal, reducing hyperpigmentation, hydrating skin, and reducing inflammation are vitamin C skin benefits that you don’t want to miss out on.

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57. Important! Start Before You Reach 30

Begin a topical Vitamin C skin care regimen in your 20’s so you can limit all the beatings that your skin will take from natural sources as the years go by. Just being out in the sun periodically for several years will take a toll on your skin, as you begin to see fine lines develop along with sun splotches and maybe even some crow’s feet to boot. Your skin may also suffer because of years of poor nutrition, especially if you have never paid much attention to your diet.

If you’re a smoker, you could already be developing that ‘smoked out’ look which is characterized by dry, reddish looking or gray skin. Alcohol dries and damages your skin. Finally, all the pollutants in the air you breathe every day can also be at work constantly, degrading your skin cells, which means you may lose that fresh vitality way too soon when you should be enjoying it into your later years.

By starting a skin care regimen before you reach the age of 30, you’ll be counteracting many of these negative effects and providing some positive benefits to your skin, fighting the negative influences all around you. By the time you notice the effects of all those nasty influences around age 40, it may be much more difficult to recover the vital appearance of your youth. That’s why beginning before 30 gives you a much better chance of avoiding all that damage and preserving the youthful fresh look that everyone craves.

Benefits of Topical Vitamin C Serum for Your Skin

Topical vitamin C is a potent aid for your skin, a powerful antioxidant which neutralizes free radicals, aiding your natural skin regeneration process and helping to repair damaged skin cells. Even more than its antioxidant capabilities, topical vitamin C provides other skin care benefits that make it ideal as an important part of your skin care regimen.

Vitamin C is acidic, soap is alkaline. So, it’s important to use a gentle topical vitamin C cleanser and follow with a toner to neutralize the skin pH so the vitamin C can do its job in a neutral environment, not being neutralized itself by alkaline soap residue. Topical vitamin C helps the skin to heal itself from within, because it accelerates the production of elastin and collagen, naturally occurring proteins which contribute to keeping your skin firm and plump. By promoting the production of collagen and elastin, vitamin C helps prevent premature skin aging.

Topical vitamin C inhibits the production of melanin, which is a primary cause of dark spots, “liver spots” and hyperpigmentation on your skin. When applied topically, vitamin C will generally prevent these dark spots from forming. Without altering normal skin pigmentation, topical vitamin C can help to fade existing brown spots when combined with lactic acid, acting as a superior brightening agent which fades these brown spots over a few weeks.

Suffice to say that there just aren’t many skin care products you could possibly include in your regimen which are more beneficial to long-term skin care than topical vitamin C, regardless of what age you begin to use it. So, apply the wisdom of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and get started before you turn 30. You’ll be glad you did when you turn 40!

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56. Can I Use Topical Vitamin C for Acne?

No matter your age or stage, no one wants to deal with acne. When a breakout occurs, is there a safe and effective way to get to the root of the problem and heal your skin quickly and safely? Is there anything you can do to prevent future outbreaks? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using topical vitamin C serum to treat acne outbreaks and prevent future occurrences.

What Is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that affects more than six million Americans annually, with 15-20% of them suffering from a condition severe enough to leave scars. While more prevalent during the teenage years, acne can affect anyone at any age or stage of life with the average age of acne sufferers being 26. While 85% of all Americans have experienced some form of acne throughout their lifetime, studies show that women account for most adult acne cases.

Often attributed to a hormonal imbalance, acne occurs when the sebaceous glands produce too much oil that, along with dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria, eventually clogs pores. (The oil in the clogged pores mixes with dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and enables bacteria formation that causes inflammation causing blemishes or pimples, or acne.) Acne outbreaks can occur anywhere on the body, most commonly on the face, neck, back and chest.

Common Causes of Acne

1. Hormonal Changes

Stress, pregnancy, and puberty all contribute to hormonal changes that may lead to acne outbreaks. While hormonal changes can’t be completely controlled, they can often be managed successfully under a doctor’s care.

2. Stress

If you ever woke up with a new blemish on the first day of school or work, then you already know that stress contributes to acne breakouts. We often experience these dreaded breakouts when stress hormone levels increase and trigger an overproduction of sebaceous oil causing clogged pores and visible blemishes. Stress is a part of life and can’t be fully avoided, but we can learn how to manage it.

3. Medication

All medications have side effects, and acne is a common one for corticosteroids, lithium or androgens. If you are prescribed any of these medications and experience outbreaks as a side effect, speak with your doctor about other options.

4. Genetics

While science has produced some amazing breakthroughs in recent years, we still can’t choose our genetics. Unfortunately, your odds of having bad acne breakouts increase if your parents previously or currently battle acne. It’s not something we can change, but we can learn to manage it with the proper skin care habits.

Treating Acne with Topical Vitamin C Serum

Americans spend millions of dollars on over-the-counter acne medications each year, yet only 30% of people who buy those medications report satisfactory results. Many of these over-the-counter remedies treat only the symptoms, the visible blemishes on the surface of the skin. To combat outbreaks effectively, you must get to the root of the problem – the over-production of oil in the sebaceous glands.

Using a topical vitamin C serum can help. When used consistently, you will not only treat the visible outbreaks on the surface, but you will also build an ample supply of antioxidants within the dermal layers that will continually fight outbreaks, ideally before they become visible.

Preventing Future Breakouts

While getting the current outbreak under control is great, what can you do to prevent another one from occurring in the future? Look for a topical vitamin C serum that is specially formulated along with other skin-nourishing ingredients like jojoba seed oil, vitamin E, and vitamin A, delivering anti-inflammatory and anti-acne benefits along with many other healthful benefits for your skin.

With vitamin C as the key ingredient, each product in a correct program sets the stage for the next product. As products are layered step-by-step, each one contributes to a cumulative “reservoir effect,” storing up vitamin C in the layers of your skin for better skin nutrition and health. By building this reservoir with consistent use over time, your skin may be healthier and more vibrant with fewer acne outbreaks. Topical vitamin C serum should be an integral part of your daily skin care routine.

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55. Adjunct in Promoting Acne Treatments

As a teenager, it was inescapable for me. There was a period in my life where I became shy and somewhat withdrawn. It had little to do with who I was, it had more to do with my appearance and how I felt about it. I was very awkward. Physically, I was experiencing a rapid growth phase. Emotionally, I bore the challenges of not being a kid anymore, yet conversely, I was not quite realizing my adulthood. As far as I was concerned, I lived wearing a “scarlet letter” planted firmly on my face. I was very self-conscious of my ever-present acne. Looking back at my high school yearbooks and comparing the photos of my peers, I only had a moderate to mild case. However, during that time, I felt unattractive and embarrassed. My ever-present thought: “What girl would ever want to love a face like mine?” For that matter, when did girls ever become part of this picture?

My naïve choices of therapeutic solutions did not serve to completely remedy my acne problem. I can remember spending days in the summer soaking up the sun’s rays to get a sunburn, which seemed to improve my complexion. In the winter, I literally would rub snow on my face while skiing to benefit from a temporary tan. Then there were my visits to dermatologist, where the preferred method of treatment was to expose my skin to ultra-violet radiation to dry up my oily skin. Decades later, all of that UV skin damage would come back to haunt me.  I was born too soon to benefit from my younger brother’s Retinol treatments—a methodology at that time that worked on his acne but left his face scalded and filled with pain. The best advice concerning acne treatment that my father (who was a pediatrician) could give me was that I would grow out of this phase of my life. He turned out to be right about my skin, but the emotional scars remain to this day.

The U.​S. Food and Drug Administ­ration (FDA) defines acne as a disease involving the oil glands and hair follicles of the skin that is manifested by blackheads, whiteheads, acne pimples and acne blemishes. The disease is compounded through a proliferation of Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes) bacteria, commonly present in smaller populations as part of the skin biome. Acne is considered one of the most common skin disorders. More than 90% of the world’s population is affected by acne at some point in life, and women are more frequently affected by adult acne than men.

It is now 50 years since I graduated from high school; as someone told me long ago: “Don’t Blink!” Modern Dermatology has progressed light years since then. With increased cosmetic formulation complexities and market demand for tailored skin care, the anti-acne sector has seen great growth in the past decades. An array of acne treatment options is available, ranging from alternative medicine and physical procedures to prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Alternative medicines include natural extracts that exhibit antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, as well as help to dry out the skin to combat overactive sebum production. Physical treatments include comedone extraction, cryotherapy, electroc­auterization and, yes, there are still UV treatments available.

All of these acne treatments can be enhanced if the skin is properly nourished. This is best realized through daily topical applications of the missing nutrients.  Healthy skin cells provide their own set of barriers to the disease process, as well as an easier pathway towards recovery. This is the reason a complete topical vitamin C skin care regimen becomes so important to someone dealing with acne. Providing the proper nutrients, keeping the skin properly moisturized, improving rapid skin turn over through vitamin A and using a reservoir of vitamin C to promote healing, collagen formation plus antioxidants are but a few benefits. There are many additional benefits to create overall skin health by using a topical vitamin C regimen and understanding the importance of topical application of the proper skin nutrients every day. Remember:

“Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin and Beautiful Skin is Healthy Skin”

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

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54. Topical Vitamin C for Acne: How much? How often?

Did you know that acne is the most common skin condition in the United States affecting as many as 50 million Americans each year? If you’re one of those 50 million, it doesn’t matter whether your breakouts occur occasionally or if it seems to be a constant frustration; there are safe and natural ways to treat current breakouts while preventing future ones. Clear and healthy-looking skin is possible no matter your age or skin care history. In this article, we’ll explore the safety and efficacy of using a vitamin C serum for acne.

What Causes Acne?

Mention acne and most people think of teenagers, but that isn’t always the case.  Acne also affects 25% of the adult male population and up to 50% of the adult female population. Many theories have been presented as to the root cause of acne including poor diet and poor hygiene. While these may affect a person’s overall health and appearance, they are not the main contributing factors to acne breakouts in teens or adults.

The four main culprits behind acne breakouts are bacteria, inflammation, excess oil production, and hair follicles and pores that become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Hair follicles are connected to oil glands, making it easy to become inflamed or infected with bacteria resulting in raised red spots with a white center commonly known as whiteheads, pimples or “zits.” Blackheads appear when open pores become clogged with oil and bacteria, turning brown when exposed to the air.

Acne Triggers

Okay, so we know that oil and bacteria lead to inflammation and clogged pores and hair follicles, and that process results in what we commonly refer to as acne. But what are the triggers that cause the oil production and inflammation in the first place? While we noted that diet may not directly cause acne breakouts, a poor diet won’t improve acne either and may act as a trigger. It’s best to consume a diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, limited lean meats and healthy oils, while eliminating processed foods. 

Stress may not directly cause acne either, but it may make it worse. It seems the two most notable triggers are hormones and medications. You may want to discuss other possibilities with your doctor if you take medications that contain testosterone, lithium or corticosteroids as they have been connected to acne breakouts. Hormonal changes in adolescents stimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum, enabling acne, and similar hormonal changes in midlife can affect men and women as well.

How Topical Vitamin C Works

Your skin is composed of three layers: the epidermal or top layer that we see, the dermal layer just below the surface of the epidermis, and the subcutaneous layer below the dermis that exists in the form of fatty tissue that supports the top layers. Skincare products containing L-ascorbic acid, the most readily absorbable form of topical vitamin C, work deep into the skin’s layers to promote health and healing from the inside out.

We know that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that works to neutralize free radicals and keep our bodies healthy. When topical vitamin C is applied consistently in the morning and evening, our skin can reap those benefits directly where  needed. Because the antioxidant is well-absorbed, you will also reap the rewards of reduced inflammation, increased collagen production, a more even skin tone, fewer lines and wrinkles, increased hydration, and an overall more vibrant appearance.

Benefits of Using a Vitamin C Serum for Acne

While the benefits of using a vitamin C serum for acne are many, we’re focusing on the main three:

Accelerated Healing

A topical 10% vitamin C serum can penetrate the skin layers to promote healing from the inside out. When your skin holds ample amounts of this powerful antioxidant from consistent daily application of topical vitamin C adding to the “reservoir effect,” collagen production is increased, dead skin cells are sloughed off faster and new cells move to the surface sooner. All of this results in faster healing and a clearer complexion and could possibly even reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Reduced Inflammation

A hallmark of acne breakouts is inflammation causing redness and swelling. As an antioxidant, topical vitamin C works to calm the redness and swelling to reduce inflammation.

Improve Hyperpigmentation

Unfortunately, healing from past breakouts can result in hyperpigmentation, red or dark spots. Melanin is the pigment responsible for the darkness of your skin. Topical vitamin C works to inhibit the production of the enzyme tyrosinase which is responsible for melanin production. The ability to reduce melanin production combined with the benefits of accelerated healing can lead to a noticeable reduction in hyperpigmentation resulting in a clearer complexion.

By using a topical vitamin C regimen just twice a day for 60-90 days, applying 10% serum and moisturizer to affected areas – sparingly but consistently – you will give your skin the optimal nutrients needed to reduce new acne breakouts and possibly improve appearance from past ones. Try topical vitamin C today for better overall skin health.

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53. The Unique Selling Point – The Formula

What is it that makes our OrangeDaily topical vitamin C skin care system unique? After all, there are many other vitamin C products on the market. There are multiple answers to this question.

For example, I could point out the fact that compared to many of these other products, ours offers affordability along with efficacy. But many of the unique points of our products have a common source—the masterful formulations that, if used in sequence every day, can deliver optimal nutrition to our skin. These formulas are the work of Dr. Ron DiSalvo, who used his accumulated knowledge and talents in designing the OrangeDaily System. Each product starts with its cornerstone ingredient, topical vitamin C, but also there is a blending other viable botanicals, emollients, essential oils, moisturizers and other vitamins in a manner that compliments and promotes the efficacious effects each brings to the skin. To better understand the brilliance of the formulator, one simply needs to read Dr. DiSalvo’s bio:

“When it comes to the skin and hair care industry, Dr. Ron DiSalvo is the Master and Commander! Dr. DiSalvo has directed the world’s top beauty brands to unbelievable long-term success with his unique state-of-the-art formulations and cutting-edge technology. Dr. DiSalvo served as Vice President of Research & Development for Redken Laboratories and Remedco Medical Analytical Laboratories and was Director of Research & Development for John Paul Mitchell Systems and University Medical Products; he continues to serve on the board of directors of many natural and bio-synthetic ingredient supply companies as well as the technical advisory board for three major industry journals. Dr. DiSalvo has authored over 92 articles and has written, coauthored and/or contributed to the writing of 31 technical books, including The Chemistry & Manufacture of Cosmetics, considered to be the bible of the cosmetic and personal care industry. Dr. DiSalvo teaches cosmetic science and related subjects at UCLA and has been a top lecturer of cosmetic science for eight universities. He is a Chartered Chemist, Chartered Scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Emeritus Member of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, and holds membership in The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, The Association of Formulating Chemists, The American Academy of Science, the New York Academy of Science, and The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. DiSalvo has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows around the world and has been featured in over 100 articles in international publications and magazines reporting on his incomparable work and contributions to beauty in skin and hair care.”

Dr. DiSalvo is the reason why our vitamin C has a viable shelf life of over 4 years. He is the designer of vitamin C products that penetrate into the dermal layer of the skin providing the nutrition it needs. It is through Dr DiSalvo’s scientific talents that our Age-Defying Tri-Retinol Cream is so effective without causing injury to the skin. He is responsible for the non-greasy, silky feel of our 10% Vitamin C Serum and Moisturizer that works so well. Dr. DiSalvo’s OrangeDaily formulations are the reason why you can become another fan of the OrangeDaily vitamin C skin care system. Join the movement toward healthier skin. You too will soon realize that Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin and Beautiful Skin is Healthy Skin.

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail! Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

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52. Dr. Dave: I call It “Truth in Health”

During this current pandemic I am often amazed at the decisions people are making regarding protecting themselves in staying clear from the Corona virus. One thing that is certain—we haven’t figured out everything in order to stay safe. Some of the protocols that are in place such as social distancing, frequently washing hands with sanitizer or wearing masks while in public places have their validity as precautions. But there are also the extremes that I scratch my head over—provisions that I observe some people enforcing upon themselves even though there is no scientific evidence for inclusion as a safe practice protocol. Case in point is the individuals who drive down the street with their windows rolled up wearing their face mask. If anyone has an explanation as to why this is an effective prevention practice, please comment. The CDC says nothing about catching the virus from yourself or your car. I call the understanding of scientific evidence and the implementation of appropriate treatments or changes as “Truths in Health.”

To further develop this concept, many years ago my brother was visiting me from Florida. He is a renowned Orthopedic Veterinarian / Surgeon and, in my opinion, a bottomless resource on dog care. My dog, Bentley, who is a large ridgeback, had recently been gaining noticeable weight. I asked Dan what should I be doing to trim him down? I expected a profound professional dissertation on what treatments, medications and alterations in Bentley’s diet needed to be implemented. Instead, Dan simply responded: “ Don’t feed him so much.” Oh…duh! What a great example about the Truth in Health. Sometimes the obvious, simple answer is right there in front of us and we fail to grasp its importance.

Truth in Health relies upon scientific evidence and facts and many times it has little to do about perception. When I practiced dentistry, I spent years in training to understand the TMJ, the joint in front of your ear that opens and closes your mouth and the importance of balanced occlusion, the way your upper teeth fit to your lower teeth when you bite. If this situation is out of alignment, we find ourselves clenching our teeth and, over time, we can wear down our dentition or cause muscle spasms on the side of our head and back of neck. This muscular tension creates headaches and are often confused with migraines. I successfully treated hundreds of cases of these “migraines” through the use of properly constructed nightguards that helped reposition the jaw to relax the tension in these muscles. Often these patients suffered from “migraines” for years, living on muscle relaxants or curling up in bed to ward off the adverse effects. I was often greeted with skepticism when I explained that they could eliminate their problem by correcting their bite situation. If such a person chose to follow my advice, most were amazed at the positive outcome. For each of these cases, we had to overcome their prejudices and perceptions to allow the Truth in Health to solve their problem.

Today I am blessed to be working with a company, Ampac-USA, that provides people with another form of Truth in Health—proper skin nutrition. Without understanding the scientific needs of skin nutrition, it is difficult to make great decisions on an effective daily regimen. There are countless choices a consumer can make about their skin care. Many products try to entice shoppers by using rare and exotic botanicals—the more offbeat, the better. Granted, there are many regulations of the claims made of these products to protect the public. However, I compare the need for proper skin nutrition to be like the decisions we make about our dietary needs. While some skin products promote themselves to appeal to our senses, there are many “hot fudge Sundaes” also available that do not meet our best skin nutrition requirements. This is the reason I am so appreciative of our OrangeDaily products. Our formulations were specifically designed to meet the nutritional requirements of our skin. The cornerstone of ingredients in our products is topical Vitamin C—often called the most essential ingredient that our skin needs in order to maintain its health. This complete system of products, used every day, will provided the skin with the fundamental ingredients needed to promote optimal skin health and beauty. OrangeDaily products truly are another great example of Truth in Health.

Always remember: “Healthy skin is beautiful skin and beautiful skin is healthy skin”.

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

Orange Daily Blog

51. OrangeDaily Is a Reason to Be Thankful

It is Thanksgiving morning, and I awoke early to the unique and comforting smell of turkey already roasting in the oven. Personally, this is right up there with the smells of a fresh-cut Christmas tree the first day it is brought into our home, or the overpowering scent of my Orange tree filled with the new pungent blossoms of Spring. All of these put me into the moment—appreciating something that only happens once a year. The dining room table is set with our finest china —a table of honor that has its place in our home, even if it is used for special occasions. Now that we have everything prepared for the feast ahead, I find myself sedentary on my couch, inspired to reflect upon everything that has been a blessing in my life. In spite of the Covid and the bizarre year of 2020, I am grateful for so many things. Most importantly, I am so appreciative of the health and welfare of my family. Through my faith, I feel that I was protected this past year by forces beyond my own control. As I ponder my many blessings, I am humbled by the providential way my life has unfolded. I am in awe of the many people, places and circumstances that have led me down this path to bring me ever closer to inner joy and fulfillment.

A prime example of my blessings is my present affiliation with Ampac-USA and the OrangeDaily products they manufacture. How wonderful to be involved with good, close friends who all know the meaning of hard work, dedication and passion, while keeping their focus on our common goals. To be encouraged to freely think, voice my opinion and draw on my creative talents is a rare situation and one of the prime reasons our company has come so far in such little time. In our company, no one ever needs to “micromanage” another on what to do or report what they do with their time. Our commitment to our products creates all of the enthusiasm and motivation we need. Quite honestly, this is what I signed up for and I embrace each and every challenge we are presented to enthusiastically bring our products to the world.

Sitting by a crackling fire, I reflect upon my own skin health and how, without our products, I would surely be experiencing countless procedures at the dermatologist’s office. Oh, and by the way, after using OrangeDaily products for well over a year, I am blessed with much healthier skin. Many of my age spots have disappeared and my wrinkles have dissolved. Despite my love for outdoor activities, I have yet to experience a single sunburn as result of the “reservoir effect” of topical vitamin C building up in my skin through the use of our daily system. Truly the formulations in OrangeDaily are a blessing.

As I continue to write from my couch, I have on final thought before my family arrives to celebrate the day. How wonderful is it to have a job position that allows me to become friends with distributors, key opinion leaders and government dignitaries from all over the globe? To name a few, there is Dr. Avajah F., the wonderful Dermatologist in Nigeria who always has a huge smile on his face and continually exclaims in his African accent that “OrangeDaily makes your skin talk!!” Then there is Hema and Rahul A., who have discovered our products and are passionate about introducing it to every single person in India. I also think of the many other countries that carry our products and the wonderful people I have met in each of them. From my kitchen, I get to talk with them via Zoom meetings, not just about business, but about their lives. Through their stories, I have discovered what is going on in their part of the world. I am also eagerly anticipating the many more countries on the horizon that will soon be distributing OrangeDaily. As a result of these interactions, I now understand what the phrase “the world is my oyster” truly means. With all of these friends in so many interesting and wonderful places, I can hardly wait for a vaccine to be distributed so that I can travel to each and every country and personally shake their hands.

Yes, as you can now see, I am truly blessed. To know that I am introducing you to OrangeDaily products as a wonderful, efficacious total skin care system, is yet another blessing that I am able to pay forward to you. Have a wonderful holiday.

Most importantly, remember that healthy skin is beautiful skin and beautiful skin is healthy skin!

Dr. Dave

Every Day! Without Fail!

Spirit *Soul * Mind * Body

Contact us here for questions or comments.

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