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Author: David Bade

Orange Daily Blog

70. Skin! What’s It Good For, Anyway?

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, covering approximately 20 square feet of space on the average adult body. Skin comprises two main layers known as the epidermis, the layer we see, and the dermis directly underneath the epidermis where collagen and elastin are contained. Deeper still, the subcutaneous layer of skin exists to provide support to the dermis in the form of fatty tissue. In this article, we’ll explore the four main functions of skin – what they are and why we need them.


Probably the most important function of the skin is its ability to protect the human body from the elements. Your skin is your first line of defense and provides a physical barrier between your internal organs and your environment. In addition to protecting you from physical harm, your skin also helps hold in necessary fluids and moisture while blocking out unnecessary or harmful ones. This important function allows us to immerse our bodies in water without worry.

Radiation and infection would be much more serious concerns for most people if our skin didn’t provide protection. Melanin in the epidermal layer of our skin helps to provide a shield between body tissue and the harmful UV rays of the sun. Our skin helps protect against infection thanks to a thin, oily coat of moisture that covers the skin and creates a barrier to most foreign substances including viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Langerhans cells are also present in the epidermis and regulate immune response to pathogens.

Thermal Regulation

It’s important to maintain a stable body temperature for overall health and well-being. The average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and skin helps to regulate this temperature through blood vessels and sweat glands located in the dermis. If the body temperature goes too high, sweat glands help to cool the body when the secreted sweat is evaporated on the skin. The body is also able to release heat and lower the temperature through the relaxing of small blood vessels in a process called vasodilation.

What happens when outer temperatures are cold and the body is in danger of losing body heat? The fatty tissue in the subcutaneous layer of the skin works like a layer of insulation, helping to prevent the body from losing too much heat and to minimize the effects of cold temperatures on the body. The dermis works through a process called vasoconstriction to maintain the internal body temperature when small blood vessels contract.


Our skin detects sensations in our environment including heat, cold, touch, pressure, and pain. Skin is the organ responsible for our sense of touch having nerve endings in the dermal layer of our skin. Without those nerve endings, we may have more injuries as the nerves are able to detect pain to which we can respond.

When injuries to the skin occur, scarring may result. Scarring can damage or destroy nerve endings, resulting in a diminished sense of touch. Cuts and burns are common injuries known to damage nerve endings present in the skin. While first and second-degree burns don’t usually cause long-term damage, third-degree burns can cause permanent destruction of nerve endings which would inhibit you from feeling the pain of the burn resulting in a more severe injury.

Endocrine Function

Even though it is called a vitamin, vitamin D is actually a hormone that helps keep your endocrine system functioning well by regulating blood calcium concentration while simultaneously impacting the immune system. While vitamin D can be made available to the body through intestinal absorption, it is also made available by photosynthesis in the skin. It is the skin’s natural response to exposure to sunlight. 

While the epidermis is the outermost layer of skin, it is actually composed of five sub-layers. Vitamin D is synthesized in the two lowermost layers of the epidermis called the stratum basale and the stratum spinosum. Current research suggests that as little as ten minutes a day in the sun can produce enough vitamin D for a healthy body. 

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69. Topical Vitamin C Daily Cleanser: 9 Advantages

Vitamin C, that amazing antioxidant that we’re all familiar with that makes a positive impact on our health when we include it in our regular diet, can also make a positive impact on the health of our skin when included in our daily skincare regimen. What benefits can you expect to receive from using a daily cleanser that includes topical vitamin C?

1. Clean and Clear Skin

Just like bathing and brushing your teeth, you should clean your face with a gentle topical vitamin C cleanser at least twice a day. In the evening, you’ll want to remove makeup or dirt and oil that landed on your face during the day. In the morning, you want to wash away oils that may have surfaced during the night as well as any dust particles or other contaminants that may have settled on your skin while you were sleeping.

2. Increased Collagen Production

L-ascorbic acid, the most easily absorbed form of vitamin C will absorb deep into the dermal layers to stimulate your skin cells to increase the production of collagen. Why is collagen production important to your skin? It’s the amino acid molecules that give your skin its structure and keep it looking vibrant and youthful.

3. Smoother Complexion

Melanin produces pigment in our skin and determines whether we are fair or dark-complected or somewhere in between. This pigment production increases when we tan, and as we age, it can cause a blotchy appearance known as hyperpigmentation. A cleanser that contains this amazing antioxidant will also give you a smoother, clearer and more even complexion by inhibiting melanin production.

4. Skin Prepared for Other Products

It doesn’t make much sense to slather a moisturizer or serum onto dirty skin. For the best results, always begin your skincare regimen by washing away impurities. In so doing, your skin will be ready to receive any other products you apply.

5. Fewer Breakouts and Blemishes

Did you know that a topical vitamin can reduce acne? Acne is a skin condition characterized by redness, swelling, blackheads, and whiteheads caused by inflammation of the skin. Whether that inflammation is caused by diet, hormones or clogged pores, cleaning your skin daily with a product that contains topical C can help since it is an anti-inflammatory agent.

6. Faster Wound Healing

Not only can topical C work to reduce acne breakouts, but it can also help speed healing from blemishes or other wounds. As an anti-inflammatory, it helps to reduce swelling and redness in acne lesions or other wounds. Because of its ability to stimulate collagen production, this antioxidant can increase the production of new, healthy cells to replace the damaged ones in the wound. And while we can’t guarantee that healed wounds won’t leave scars, daily application of topical C may reduce their appearance.

7. Reduce and Reverse Sun Damage

Did you know that a simple vitamin applied daily as part of your regular skincare routine can help reduce and reverse the damaging effects of UVA and UVB rays? That’s the awesome power of the antioxidant applied topically and daily in the form of L-ascorbic acid. It absorbs into the dermal layer and goes to work combatting free radical damage while protecting your skin from future damage.

8. Reduce the Visible Signs of Aging

Cleansing your skin daily with a product that contains topical C will yield visible results when used consistently over 2-3 months. The most noticeable result will likely be a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles as collagen production is increased, melanin production is decreased, and inflammation is reduced. You will notice a smoother, firmer, more youthful appearance in after consistent use over a 60-90 day regemin.

9. The Amazing Reservoir Effect

Probably one of the most easily overlooked benefits of using a cleanser that contains L-ascorbic acid is something known as the “reservoir effect.” Even though the product is washed off, the vitamin will be absorbed into the dermal layers where it will build a reserve. When used daily, this reserve builds up and becomes an around-the-clock factor that is constantly working in your favor to provide you with all the skin benefits of topical C.

Now that we’ve explored these nine reasons to use a topical vitamin C cleanser daily, choose one that is specially formulated to build your vitamin reservoir so that you get the constant benefits for healthier, smoother, more vibrant skin.

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68. Topical Vitamin C Helps Repair Damaged Skin

So you’ve spent too much time in the sun through the years, and the damage is becoming visible on your face, neck, and shoulders in the form of “age spots” or hyperpigmentation. Perhaps you have acne scars still lingering even though you left the teen years behind a long time ago. Whatever the cause of your skin damage, there is hope that topical vitamin C can make improvements and aid skin repair. Continue reading this article to learn more.

Stimulate Collagen Production for Skin Repair

L-ascorbic acid, or topical vitamin C, has been clinically proven to offer numerous benefits when applied to the skin on a regular basis. One of the most widely known benefits is the stimulation of collagen production. Since the rate of collagen production naturally decreases as we age, it’s important to use a skincare product that contains topical C to boost collagen so that we might reap the benefits of firmer, more youthful-looking skin as well as more rapid healing.

How does increased collagen production help to repair damaged skin? Since collagen is the amino acid that provides structure to the skin and basically works like a web to hold our connective tissue together (think skin, tendons, hair, etc.), it’s important to make sure the body has plenty of it. Collagen can’t be produced without ample amounts of vitamin C being present. Whether you have acne scars, wrinkles, or any other kind of scarring, plentiful collagen production means faster and more thorough healing.

Repair Skin by Correcting Hyperpigmentation

Did you realize that “sun spots”, or hyperpigmentation, are a form of skin damage? Many people don’t realize that these spots are signs of damage caused by years of unprotected exposure to the sun. They appear usually after years of exposure when the skin has produced excessive amounts of melanin, the pigment that determines the shade of our skin. These spots may be as small as a freckle or as large as a dime and may show up on your face, hands, chest, or shoulders. How can topical vitamin C help this situation? By applying a skincare product that contains L-ascorbic acid regularly for two to three months, you can expect to see a measurable lightening of these dark spots. Vitamin C absorbs deep into the dermal layers where it inhibits the production of the enzyme, tyrosinase. Tyrosinase is the enzyme responsible for melanin production, and less tyrosinase means less melanin produced which means less melanin to darken spots.

Fight Free Radicals for Skin Repair

We’ve all heard of free radicals, but what are they exactly? And why are they important? Free radicals are organic molecules found in our bodies and known for their contribution to aging and disease. Free radicals cause damage to your skin, usually in the visible form of faster aging, when they are successful in their attempt to steal an electron molecule from otherwise healthy skin cells. As an antioxidant, vitamin C works to fight off free radicals and the damage they cause to the body. L-ascorbic acid penetrates the dermal cell layers where it goes to work to fight free radicals that cause premature signs of aging as well as other diseases such as skin cancer. Using skincare products that contain vitamin C can not only repair current damage but can also prevent future damage.

Build a Reservoir of Topical Vitamin C for Future Protection

When you use a skincare regimen that utilizes vitamin C as a key ingredient, you can expect to reap the benefits of this vitamin in as little as 60-90 days. However, the benefits don’t stop after those first few months. In fact, if you continue to use vitamin C-containing products consistently, you’ll build up something known as the “reservoir effect” within your skin cells. This will essentially mean that the power to repair and protect will be stored in your skin cells to work around the clock to benefit your skin.

So look for products purposefully formulated and designed with the “reservoir effect” in mind, with topical C as the primary ingredient in all of the products. With only about five minutes in the morning and evening, you can build a healing reservoir that will work for you even while you sleep. The secret of skin repair is found in the healing properties of topical vitamin C. Whether you have acne scars, wrinkles and fine lines, hyperpigmentation, or skin damage due to free radicals, topical C can help.

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67. 9 Reasons to Build a Regimen with Topical Vitamin C

We all know the health benefits that vitamin C offers in our diet, but have you ever considered the benefits when applied to your skin? If you aim for healthier, more vibrant, younger-looking skin, then you should consider adding topical vitamin C to your daily skincare regimen. In this article, we explore the top nine reasons you should do just that.

1. Fight Free Radicals

Free radicals are unstable organic molecules known for causing damage and destruction to your body in the form of tissue damage, aging, and disease.

Pollutants in our environment, unprotected exposure to the sun, radiation exposure, and even emotional stressors can contribute to the formation of free radicals within your body. As an antioxidant, topical vitamin C goes to work to neutralize free radicals and prevent them from causing damage to your skin.

2. Slow the Signs of Aging

No matter a person’s age, no one wants wrinkles or sagging skin. Along with neutralizing free radicals, topical C also slows the progression of aging skin by increasing the production of collagen in the skin cells. Since the presence of vitamin C is necessary for collagen production to occur in the dermal cells, you’ll be giving your skin exactly what it needs when you apply products that contain vitamin C.

3. Reduce the Appearance of Under-Eye Circles

The thinnest skin on your body is found under your eyes, so it’s no surprise that you may notice more darkness in that area as your skin may become thinner as you age. A topical application of vitamin C works to reduce under-eye circles by increasing collagen production which will thicken the under-eye skin while simultaneously combating damage caused by free radicals and unprotected exposure to the sun.

4. Reduce Inflammation

A natural response to a perceived threat, inflammation may present itself as puffiness, skin irritation, or redness. Causes of inflammation may be as simple as a sunburn or as complex as a chemical irritant. No matter the cause, applying vitamin C to the affected area has been clinically proven to reduce inflammation and therefore reducing puffiness, redness, and skin irritation.

5. Repair Hyperpigmentation

Age spots, sun spots, and liver spots are a few of the common names given to the common skin ailment known as hyperpigmentation. How can a daily application of topical vitamin C help reduce these spots? When applied consistently, L-ascorbic acid, the most readily absorbed form of the vitamin, works deep in the dermal layers to inhibit tyrosinase from producing melanin. Less melanin, skin pigment, results in lighter spots.

6. Diminish Fine Lines and Wrinkles

When you use skincare products that contain topical C as a primary ingredient, you can expect to see a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles within two to three months of consistent use. The combination of antioxidant properties, inflammation reduction, increased collagen production and the neutralization of free radicals work synergistically to give you a clearer, firmer, brighter, and more youthful appearance.

7. Protect Skin from Sun Damage

Much of the free radical damage that our skin experiences is caused by unprotected exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun. When you use skincare products that contain L-ascorbic acid as a primary ingredient, you are applying topically a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are known to seek out free radicals caused by the damaging rays of the sun and neutralize them. In so doing, you reap the benefits of sun damage protection.

8. Accelerate Healing

Applying vitamin C to your skin has been shown to decrease the amount of time it takes for wounds to heal because of its ability to increase skin cell turnover. The average time to produce new skin cells and slough off the old ones is about 28-34 days.  When you use topical C consistently, you can expect a reduction in that time from around 28 days to around 20. When new skin cells are produced faster, damaged skin heals faster.

9. Hydrate Your Skin

We all know how important it is to drink water to keep your body hydrated, but how many of us consider the fact that our skin needs hydration as well? Topical vitamin C has been proven to have a hydrating effect on the skin by reducing water loss and increasing the skin’s ability to retain moisture.

These nine reasons for including topical vitamin C in your skincare regimen are sufficient motivation to spend an extra five minutes in the morning and in the evening to apply topical vitamin C-containing products.

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66. Lactic Acid Lightens Sun/Age/Dark Spots

Do you struggle with your appearance because of skin discoloration that results in an uneven skin tone? Do you wish there was a way to restore your skin to a smoother, more even, and more youthful appearance? In this article, we’ll explore how you can do that successfully and naturally using clinically-proven skincare products formulated with topical vitamin C and lactic acid to reduce the appearance of blemishes and “age spots”.

Causes of Age Spots and Blemishes

You don’t have to be old to have “age spots.” These dark blotches that appear on your skin are also called “sun spots,” since exposure to damaging UVA and UVB rays are the main culprit behind their appearance, formally known as hyperpigmentation. It’s the overproduction of melanin, or skin pigment, and it’s caused by repeated sun exposure over time.

Unprotected sun exposure activates a naturally occurring enzyme within your dermal cells called tyrosinase. Tyrosinase stimulates the production of melanin, and melanin controls the pigmentation of your skin. The more melanin produced in your skin cells, the darker the appearance of the skin. Acne breakouts, or blemishes, occur for various reasons including hormonal imbalance, skin inflammation, and overproduction of oil on the surface of the skin.

How Vitamin C Can Benefit Your Skin

The benefits of topical vitamin C have been studied by top skincare scientists from all over the world for many years, and the list of benefits is impressive. Did you know that vitamin C, when applied consistently, can give you a brighter, clearer, and more youthful-looking appearance? Along with these benefits, topical C can also

  • Diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increase collagen production
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Reduce acne breakouts
  • Protect skin from UVA/UVB sun damage
  • Support rapid wound healing
  • Reduce under-eye circles
  • Improve skin moisture and hydration
  • Reduce skin inflammation
  • Reduce skin discoloration

For reducing skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation), vitamin C works deep within the dermal skin layer to prohibit the enzyme tyrosinase from forming. By blocking tyrosinase, the entire pigmentation process is disrupted as melanin, the pigment that darkens your skin, is not produced without tyrosinase. Because topical vitamin C protects from sun damage and supports quick wound healing, your damaged skin where sun spots currently exist will quickly be diminished.

How Lactic Acid Can Benefit Your Skin

By stimulating collagen production and increasing skin hydration, lactic acid helps fight the visible signs of aging with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Mostly known for its anti-aging properties, lactic acid is sometimes referred to as alpha hydroxy acid and contains many lesser-known benefits that are just as wonderful as its age-defying ones. For example, lactic acid helps to exfoliate your skin and unclog pores resulting in a clearer complexion.

It may also decrease sebaceous oil production and reduce bacteria on the surface of the skin contributing to fewer blemishes. Its work as an exfoliant means dead skin cells are removed and washed away, making a clear path for acne medications or other skin care products to be absorbed into the skin. Finally, lactic acid can help reduce skin discoloration and scarring left behind after acne lesions heal. All of these benefits combine to give you healthy, vibrant skin. 

Balance Your Skin Tone with a Combination of Topical Vitamin C and Lactic Acid

When you combine two of the greatest skincare ingredients into one product, the positive results are multiplied. Look for a scientifically formulated product that contains both lactic acid and topical vitamin C, proven to help even out your skin tone, lightening those unwanted dark spots caused by hyperpigmentation. When used consistently, the results will be visible and measurable as the spots return to your normal level of pigmentation.

If you’re frustrated with your appearance because of “age spots” or blemishes, rest assured there is a natural way to quickly and safely diminish their appearance. Try a proven, safe, and effective skincare regimen. Spending just five minutes twice a day providing natural nourishment for your skin will produce visible results (diminished appearance of skin discoloration and more) in as little as 60 to 90 days.

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65. Hyaluronic Acid Helps Hydrate Skin

What’s the best way to hydrate skin? Should you use a moisturizer, and if so, which one? It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the hundreds of high-priced skin care product choices on the market today. This article aims to help you easily understand which ingredients are most beneficial to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Why It’s Important to Hydrate Skin

Your skin is made up of roughly 64% water. No matter your age or stage in life, it’s important to keep your skin hydrated to keep it healthy and vibrant. Your skin, the largest organ of your body, is made up of three layers: the epidermis (the outer layer that we see), the dermis (just below the epidermis), and the subcutaneous layer (the deepest skin layer). Dehydrated skin can feel tight and itchy, appearing flaky and sensitive to environmental irritants.

Dehydrated skin loses its elasticity and presents a dull, dry, sometimes haggard appearance, giving way to those unsettling premature signs of aging – fine lines and wrinkles. Keeping your skin properly hydrated will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Applying a moisturizer may help to hydrate skin, but it’s important to consider the ingredients of all products you use on your skin. 

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid (Hint: It’s More Than a Moisturizer)

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that acts as a humectant helping your skin retain its moisture. It’s naturally occurring in the human body and is found in the skin, hair, cartilage, connective tissue and bones. Hyaluronic acid production tends to naturally drop as you age causing your skin to lose its moisture and elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in keeping your skin hydrated as it acts like a sponge, attracting moisture to the surface of the skin, where it can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water!  When included in a serum or cream and used as part of a daily skin care system, you can expect improvement in your skin’s feel and a healthier appearance. Hyaluronic acid has been proven to hydrate and repair damaged skin, improve skin firmness and elasticity and decrease the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

Benefits of Topical Vitamin C

The topical application of vitamin C has been studied and documented by scientists around the world. Not only is it a safe skin care ingredient for most skin types, but it is necessary for increased collagen production. Collagen is produced in the body and is a component of our connective tissue including our bones, tendons, ligaments and skin. One of the most notable benefits of applying topical vitamin C is that it encourages an increase in collagen production which in turn reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, adding to the beneficial effect of additional topical hyaluronic acid.

L-ascorbic acid is the form of the vitamin that is most easily absorbed by the skin. As an antioxidant, the benefits to your skin are numerous. Not only can applying vitamin C in a cream or serum shield your skin from the damaging rays of the sun, but it can also work to diminish sun damage, shield the skin from oxidative stress, help exfoliate the skin, reduce hyperpigmentation, brighten dark spots, balance skin tones, and diminish the visible signs of aging.

The Combined Benefits

As you can see, the benefits of hyaluronic acid and topical vitamin C are noteworthy as individual ingredients. By combining the two, your skin health benefits can be multiplied. However, there is no concern for overloading cells with unnecessary nutrients since hyaluronic acid complements vitamin C in a way that prevents overloading, so that only damaged cells receive the nutrition they need.

By using skin care products containing both of these ingredients, you can expect to experience the following benefits:

  • Increased skin hydration
  • Firmer, more youthful-looking skin
  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increased collagen production
  • Increased moisturization
  • Skin repair and regeneration
  • UV protection
  • Reduction in hyperpigmentation
  • Brightened dark spots
  • Improved skin exfoliation
  • Reduction in skin inflammation
  • Reduction in oxidative stress

There’s no time like the present to make a positive change for the health of your skin. Choosing quality skin care products doesn’t have to be confusing or overwhelming. With the information shared in this article, you’re ready to make an informed decision. The benefits of both hyaluronic acid and topical vitamin C are great on their own. Combine them and you will have better results.

OrangeDaily is a seven-step skin care regimen. The main active ingredient in all of the skin care products in this regimen is topical vitamin C. Hyaluronic acid is added to the OrangeDaily Eye Complex.

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64. The Topical Vitamin C Reservoir Effect

Good health and nutrition are making headlines these days. Did you know that good nutrition can benefit your skin as much as it can benefit your overall health? When it comes to skin nutrition, topical vitamin C may be the key ingredient you’ve been seeking. In this article, we’ll explore how consistent use of this amazing antioxidant can create a “reservoir effect” that will keep your skin vibrant and healthy.

The Importance of Skin Nutrition

We are constantly exposed to toxins, whether through the processed foods we eat or the pollutants in the air. Over time, exposure to toxins can lead to the formation of free radicals which can lead to disease and skin that appears dull and drab. Our skin is the largest organ of our body, so it makes sense that we should be interested in learning to take of it with proper nutrition to function at its best.

By applying skin-nourishing vitamins and antioxidants topically, your skin will thank you by working to combat the effects of free radicals, increase collagen production to improve skin elasticity, reduce the visible signs of aging and give you an overall healthier complexion.

How Topical Vitamin C Feeds Your Skin

There is no questioning the importance of including the correct amount of vitamin C in our daily diet, but it’s equally important to the health of your skin. This common antioxidant nourishes your skin from the outside-in when applied topically and consistently. Similar to the benefits you would expect from ingesting the vitamin internally, it goes to work to combat free radicals and their ill effects within the layers of your skin.

Topical vitamin C has been proven to provide numerous benefits to your skin. In addition to combating free radicals, the antioxidant also works to stimulate collagen production which will increase skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Topical vitamin C can also act as a shield within your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays while working to diminish the effects of damage already done by the sun’s harsh rays.

How the “Reservoir Effect” Benefits Your Skin

Many topical products claim to contain vitamin C, but many contain forms of the vitamin that are not easily absorbed through the layers of skin cells. When applying incorrectly formulated products, the molecule size is too big to be absorbed, so the majority of the nourishment remains on the surface of the skin. It doesn’t absorb deep into the dermal and subcutaneous skin layers to provide long-term “reservoir” skin-nourishing benefits.

So insist on topical products that contain L-ascorbic acid, the most easily absorbed form of topical vitamin C available.  When these products are used consistently, a reservoir is created where the vitamin C your skin needs for health and vitality is ever-present and constantly working in your favor.

How You Can Nourish Your Skin from Within

By employing a topical vitamin C skin care regimen on a consistent basis, you can experience all of the benefits while building your own “reservoir effect” that will allow the powerful antioxidant to work in your favor around the clock, even while you sleep. Just like adopting any other new health habit like diet or exercise, consistency is the key to experiencing the most benefits in the least amount of time, so give your topical vitamin C skincare program 8-12 weeks of consistent use to obtain the most favorable results. You should experience an increase in collagen production and skin elasticity, a decrease in fine lines and wrinkles, a more evenly pigmented skin tone and a healthier and more beautiful complexion. Skin nutrition is just as important as eating a healthy diet. Feed your skin what it needs, and let the powerful, antioxidant effects of topical vitamin C work for you.

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63. Lighten Sun Spots and Dark Age Spots

What if there was a proven, safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of those dark spots? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of topical vitamin C, formulated with lactic acid as a complementary partner and used as a weapon against these signs of aging and skin damage.

What Are Sun and Age Spots?

They are referred to by many different names, including sun spots, age spots, liver spots, and hyperpigmentation. These spots occur when the amino acid tyrosinase is stimulated to produce melanin, or pigment, in the skin. In the case of hyperpigmentation, an overproduction of melanin occurs is often in connection with UVA and UVB exposure and leaves small dark spots on the skin even after a tan has faded.

Sun spots are not usually a sign of any serious condition and may not need attention from a healthcare professional – but see your dermatologist if they become crusty or dark and irregular in shape, as skin cancer can appear in many different ways. Usually caused by UV exposure over time, they may appear as flat circles or ovals in any shade darker than your natural skin tone and can vary in size from tiny spots to about half an inch in diameter. The spots most commonly appear on the face, hands, back, chest, shoulders and arms. Although they can appear on anyone of any age, they are more common as we age.

Skin-Nourishing Benefits of Topical Vitamin C

This all-important vitamin cannot be produced naturally within the body, so we must consume it regularly in food and supplements to achieve the most benefit. L-ascorbic acid, the most easily absorbed form of this essential antioxidant, has been clinically proven to provide beneficial results that keep skin soft, supple and more youthful-looking. As an antioxidant, it combats free radicals that deteriorate the skin and cause lines and wrinkles to form.

Safe for most skin types, topical vitamin C cream with emollients helps keep skin hydrated by preventing moisture loss. It’s anti-inflammatory and helps to diminish redness and irritation, leaving you with a fresh, clear complexion. It also stimulates collagen production, reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles, protects against sun damage and diminishes dark under-eye circles. Topical vitamin C has also been proven to correct hyperpigmentation.

How Topical Vitamin C with Lactic Acid Can Help Even Skin Tone

The enzyme tyrosinase is stimulated when the skin is exposed to UV rays. Tyrosinase, in turn, stimulates melanin production which is the pigment that determines the shade of our skin. Skin care formulas that include lactic acid in combination with topical vitamin C work to block tyrosinase and stop the production of melanin, keeping skin pigmentation balanced. Lactic acid in a cream with emollients also serves to keep skin hydrated and balanced, producing a soft and even skin tone.

L-ascorbic acid also evens skin tone and lightens sun spots and age spots by stimulating the dermal layer of the skin to produce more collagen, the essential amino acid that gives our skin its firmness. By stimulating collagen production and reducing skin cell turnover time, damaged skin cells are replaced more quickly with firm, healthy cells. At the same time, topical C penetrates your skin for protection from future UVA and UVB damage and doesn’t wash off like sunscreen creams.

The Right Product Choice

Insist on products that are built on a foundation of L-ascorbic acid, topical vitamin C, with lactic acid, designed to diminish hyperpigmentation, reduce the appearance of sun spots and produce an even skin tone for a vibrant, healthy complexion.In addition to topical vitamin C and lactic acid, look for pH-balancing skin conditioners, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory coconut oil and glycerin, humectants, skin moisturizing emollients, orange peel essential oil and botanicals (green tea extract).

Even if you’ve endured skin discoloration for many years, an L-ascorbic acid and lactic acid formula promises hope with positive results. As with any new healthy habit, you should commit to using the products consistently for 60-90 days in order to experience the most noticeable and measurable results.

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62. Healthy Skin The Natural Way With Topical Vitamin C

More people are making a return to doing things naturally. Many are choosing to grow their own gardens and eat fewer processed foods. Even more are learning the benefits of choosing skin care products derived from natural ingredients. In this article, we’ll explore the healthy skin benefits of using a skin toner as part of an entire skin care system that contains topical vitamin C, an antioxidant found in nature.

Why Choose Topical Vitamin C?

Discovered more than one hundred years ago, the antioxidant vitamin C is proven to be vital to your overall health. As an antioxidant, it works to neutralize free radicals that can damage otherwise healthy cells. Other benefits of vitamin C include supporting the function of your immune system, improving blood flow and heart health, as well as improving energy and adrenal health. Vitamin C also supports healthy aging supporting healthy joints and skin.

For all the benefits vitamin C can bring inside the body, topical vitamin C can do much for the outside of the body. L-ascorbic acid, the most readily absorbed form of the antioxidant, has been clinically proven to improve the health and vitality of your skin. It neutralizes free radicals and penetrates into the dermal layers to stimulate the production of collagen, which produces firmer younger-looking skin.

Choosing Healthy Ingredients for Your Skin

Did you know that it only takes 26 seconds for ingredients on your skin to make it into your bloodstream? With so many chemical-laden products on the market, it’s more urgent than ever to be particular about which products you choose to use on your skin. Since it’s the largest organ of your body, it’s important to take care of your skin and to choose only those products that contain truly beneficial ingredients that cause little to no side effects. Topical vitamin C is an ingredient you should seek out in your skin care products, as the antioxidant benefits will keep your skin healthy and youthful. Look for a scientifically formulated skin care regimen whose key ingredient is L-ascorbic acid, the most readily absorbed form of vitamin C.

Skin Toner Ingredients and Benefits

Look for a skin toner that is alcohol-free, so you don’t need to worry about it over-drying your skin as some toners do. After the skin is cleansed, toner is applied to adjust the pH of your skin, bringing it to a neutral position ready to receive the benefits offered by the other products in a correct topical vitamin C skin care lineup. In addition to vitamin C, a good toner contains many other beneficial ingredients found in nature to produce results that will keep your skin supple and healthy.

After cleansing, for maximum benefits, it’s important to balance the skin pH. Toning also adds to the reservoir of protective vitamin C in the skin. Some of the natural ingredients to look for:

  • L-ascorbic acid/vitamin C – stimulates collagen production, antioxidant, anti-aging
  • Orange peel oil essential oil – increases the absorption of vitamin C, antibacterial, skin-cleansing, muscle relaxing
  • Green tea leaf extract – antioxidant, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory, reduces free radical damage 
  • Algae extract – moisturizes and strengthens the skin’s surface immunity
  • Willow bark extract – herbal astringent that tones and tightens skin
  • Sodium PCA (from coconuts and other plants) – naturally draws moisture into the skin, increases hydration
  • Botanical carrageenan (from seaweed) – moisturizes and prevents inflammation

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61. 8 Features of Regimen Foundation

Americans spent more than $39 billion on skincare products in 2020 according to a recent article published by Globe News Wire. There’s no need to waste your hard-earned money in your search for the perfect regimen for skin care. The outstanding benefits of topical vitamin C along with its inexpensive price tag make it a top contender for your skincare needs. Here’s a partial list of topical vitamin C perks.

1. Binds Free Radicals

Antioxidants consumed through our diet work inside our bodies to bind free radicals, the “rogue” cells that can cause illness or disease if left unchecked. L-ascorbic acid, the most easily absorbed topical form of vitamin C works the same way in our epidermal, dermal, and subcutaneous skin layers. The antioxidant goes to work to bind free radicals that would otherwise deteriorate or destroy our skin cells, causing visible signs of aging.

Vitamin C in any form is an essential antioxidant, not produced or stored by the body. We must obtain it from outside sources. For internal purposes, this can be achieved rather easily through a healthy diet that includes citrus fruits and vegetables. For our skin, we need to consistently use proven products that will deliver vitamin C into our dermal layers to create a reservoir of the antioxidant to keep our skin healthy and beautiful.

2. Corrects Hyperpigmentation

Years spent enjoying the sun can come back to haunt you years later when sun spots or age spots begin to appear on your skin. These spots, also known as hyperpigmentation, can show up anywhere but usually appear on your face, neck, shoulders, arms and hands. Although they are typically harmless and may not require attention from a medical professional, sun spots can still be bothersome. (If they become crusty, dark and irregular in shape, get to a dermatologist!)

Topical vitamin C to the rescue. When combined with lactic acid and applied consistently, the antioxidant works to suppress tyrosinase, the enzyme responsible for melanin production. Melanin determines our pigmentation, and when tyrosinase is suppressed, less melanin is produced. This results in the “fading” of sun spots and a more even skin tone.

3. Stimulates Collagen Production

Collagen is that all-important protein that gives our skin its firm appearance and forms all of the connective tissues that hold our bodies together. Topical vitamin C is aids in collagen production and when applied consistently, it stimulates our bodies to produce more collagen. This is great news since our bodies naturally slow down collagen production as we age.

4. Reduces Redness and Inflammation

Redness and skin inflammation can be caused by various circumstances including eczema, rosacea, overexposure to the sun, air pollutants and other factors. Topical vitamin C is anti-inflammatory. If you suffer from redness or skin irritation for any reason, topical vitamin C may be the answer.

5. Reduces the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Who doesn’t want a firm, youthful-looking face? Topical vitamin C penetrates the skin’s layers to stimulate the production of collagen, making your skin appear firmer and fuller. Fine lines and wrinkles are diminished and a more youthful appearance returns.

When used consistently with retinol (vitamin A,) topical vitamin C increases skin cell turnover rate and can bring new skin to the surface sooner to produce a healthier and more youthful appearance. 

6. Topical Vitamin C Is Photoprotective

As an antioxidant, topical vitamin C penetrates into the dermal layers to protect the skin from damage caused by UVA and UVB rays. This is especially beneficial since most sunscreens do a poor job of protecting against UVA damage. Even better, because L-ascorbic acid is absorbed into the skin, it can’t wash off like sunscreen.

7. Reduces Under-Eye Circles

The healing powers of vitamin C can restore and rejuvenate damaged skin. When applied to the delicate eye area topically, as L-ascorbic acid in a gentle cream with hyaluronic acid, not only will fine lines and wrinkles be diminished, but as new skin is formed, it will be thicker and healthier, diminishing dark under-eye circles.

8. Accelerates Healing

Because vitamin C stimulates collagen production and the faster turnover of new cells, skin wounds heal faster when treated with products containing L-ascorbic acid. That could mean faster healing of acne, acne scars or other skin imperfections, leaving you with a healthier, clearer complexion.

Insist on products for skin care that work together as a system, in sequence, to give your skin the absolute best nutrition possible. When used in order, each step should prepare the skin to receive the next. And when used consistently, a reservoir of vitamin C is built up in the dermal layer to produce long-lasting reparative and rejuvenating results.

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